Alphabet Chart created by the Heiltsuk Cultural Education Centre, 1986. Text by John Rath, illustrations by Shirl Hall.
Part 1 - Obstruents |
Plosives |
Fricatives |
Plain |
Aspirated |
Glottalized |
bbásbúlírose hip |
ppúxvablow with mouth |
p̓p̓uáihalibut |
ddaṇdáṇbell |
ttsáto push |
t̓t̓álússlices of dried fish |
zzúsato dig |
ccásato pour water |
c̓c̓ṃ́index finger |
ssṃ́smouth |
λλáλap̓ikawoodpecker |
ƛƛizáyúracket |
ƛ́ƛ́gísheart |
ɫɫáɫamonster with basket |
ggḷáto go on all fours |
kkálahold up on palms of hands |
k̓k̓ásk̓ásclaws, talons |
xxṇ́dac̓imirror |
gvgvúgvíleg |
kvkvíkvawhistle with fingers |
k̓vk̓vák̓vṃt̓ahummingbird |
xvxvḷ́tḷáfire |
ǧvǧváláslizard |
qvqvínáyukey |
q́vq́vúq̓vsmountain |
x̌vx̌vdáyúknife |
ǧǧṇṃ́woman, female |
qqqseye |
q̓q̓gṇáhalibut hook |
x̌x̌áx̌bone |
Part 2 - Resonants |
Plain |
Glottalized |
Consonantal |
Vocalic |
Consonantal |
Vocalic |
with high tone |
with low tone |
mmuác̓ibath tub |
ṃ́c̓ṃ́index finger |
ṃk̓vúdṃnail |
m̓m̓ṇúkvone |
ṃ̓k̓váxdṃ̓achair |
nnínúyato sing |
ṇ́ɫṇ́tato blow the nose |
ṇyádṇrattle |
n̓n̓usímoon month |
ṇ̓c̓ṇ̓íƛḷáprocession into house |
lluáɫghost |
ḷ́mḷ́xvḷáto smile |
ḷtsḷsáto push while outside |
l̓l̓ǧṃ́putty |
ḷ̓sḷ̓ṃ́bábit for drilling |
yyádṇrattle |
ímítporcupine |
iƛizáyúracket |
y̓y̓úgvato rain, spell of rain |
i̓p̓sp̓i̓úear |
wwáwádikelp |
úpúxvablow with mouth |
ugvusípotatoes |
w̓w̓áx̌ac̓ipipe for smoke or smoking |
u̓t̓út̓u̓astar |
hháy̓ásuhand |
ák̓vássmall mussels |
ak̓vasto sit outside |
h̓láh̓áyes |
a̓λa̓ústree to stand outside |
ħsee accompanying booklet |
ʔsee accompanying booklet |