The Heiltsuk Language and Culture Mobilization Partnership team are grateful for the support that we have received to date.
First and foremost, we wish to thank the Heiltsuk Cultural Education Centre and the Bella Bella Community School for their welcome and kind invitation to work in respectful partnership in the work they are doing for their nation, and for making us feel so very welcome in their community, and to the many Heiltsuk community members in Bella Bella and beyond who have opened their knowledge and homes to us.
Second, we are very grateful to the following agencies, grant giving bodies and units for their financial support of our partnership:
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Knowledge Synthesis Grant 2015-2016, #421-2015-2076 (PI: Mark Turin)
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Partnership Grant (sub-grant) 2012-2020, #895-2012-1029 (PI: Marianne Ignace)
UBC Remote Community Based Learning Fund, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and the Centre for Community Engaged Learning, 2016 & 2017 (Applicants: Lisa Nathan & Mark Turin) and 2018 (Mark Turin)
UBC Hampton Fund Research Grant (Established Scholar Award), 2015-2017 (PI: Mark Turin)
UBC Community-University Engagement Support (CUES) Bridge Fund, 2018-2019, #02012018-25-B (PIs: Mark Turin & Jennifer Carpenter)
Finally, we thank the First Nations and Endangered Languages Program, the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, and the Office of the Dean (Faculty of Arts) for their ongoing support.